Christmas is the time of the year full of love, health and happiness…

But someone very special has decided that you should start with chiropractic care so that you can enjoy your Momentum with a life full of love, happiness and above all, health, not only during Christmas but in your everyday life.

But before redeeming your gift, let’s first discover together:

What is chiropractic care?

Discover the largest and most widely used natural health care profession in the world

Chiropractic is the health specialty that is responsible for aligning your spine so that the brain can send without interference every message it emits to the different parts of the body through the spinal cord and the nervous system.

With chiropractic adjustments we reconnect the brain and the body, increasing its capacity to adapt and allowing it to function the way it was designed to.

Benefits of chiropractic care

Columna vertebral quiropráctica

If you're wondering…
Is chiropractic care for me?

Indeed, the answer is… definitely YES! Start now to gain control of your health

Chiropractic care for everyone
Children, teenagers, adults, pregnant women, elderly…

No matter in which stage of your life you are, everyone can benefit from a NATURAL, SAFE and EFFECTIVE chiropractic care.
Heal your health conditions and prevent future diseases
Chiropractic is recognised for the highest rate of satisfaction among patients with back and neck pain.

It is also one of the most effective treatments for: headaches and migraines, herniated discs, joint pain, low back pain, digestive problems…
Optimize your life quality
Chiropractic adjustments allow you not only to live pain-free, but also to enjoy a better quality of life.

With chiropractic you will improve your physical and mental performance, you will have more energy, manage stress better, better quality sleep…

If you received this gift card...

You have been given a free first visit with us

Book now your first appointment

The first visit includes

* Bring with you the gift card when you come for your first visit with us


Are you ready to start chiropractic care? Let’s do it together

Hello! We are Montse, Thomas and Nicola from Momentum Quiropràctic team. We are Chiropractors and we will accompany you at the beginning and throughout your chiropractic care process.

Once you have booked your first appointment:

  • We will meet at the Momentum Quiropràctic center (we speak Catalan, Spanish, English, Italian, French and Dutch!)


  • During the visit, we will conduct a study of your spine and an evaluation of the nervous system using specialized instrumentation.


  • After the study, we will request your X-rays and prepare your radiographic analysis.


  • On the next day, we will hand you your chiropractic report, along with a personalized action plan tailored to your needs and areas of pain.


The next step will be to start taking care of you. We will start with chiropractic adjustment using the techniques that best suit you and will do a check up to see your health progress.

See you soon!


In the heart of Barcelona​...

Read the Momentums of love, happiness and health of our patients