Momentum Quiropràctic's Blog

We want to inspire and empower you from our experience in chiropractic how to achieve a healthy, natural and efficient lifestyle.

Lumbar Chiropractic in Barcelona: Benefits and Treatment

Back pain is one of the most common problems that affects many people around the world for which, fortunately, chiropractic offers a solution. Back pain, in addition to being annoying, interferes with people’s daily lives and affects their well-being. Therefore, in our chiropractic center in Barcelona we want to offer

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Osteoarthritis and chiropractic: a solution to improve mobility

Chiropractic has proven to be an effective treatment for osteoarthritis. If you suffer from osteoarthritis in our chiropractic center in Barcelona we have the best professionals to help you. In addition to this, you should know that chiropractic will not only help you mitigate the pain that osteoarthritis can cause,

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Take the first step to free yourself from pain and optimize your performance. Our team is ready to help you.

Opening Hours

Mondays: 15:30-20:30
Tuesdays: 8:30-13:00, 15:30-20:30
Wednesdays: 15:30-20:30
Thursdays: 8:30-13:00, 15:30-20:30
Fridays: 10:00-14:00
Saturday and Sunday: Closed