Chiropractic and Scoliosis: Relief for your back in Barcelona

In addition to the pain for which it is characterized, scoliosis can be a limitation in the chores in the day to day life of the person. This is something that directly affects your well-being, as it prevents you from working normally or enjoying any aspect of life in general.

Fortunately there are remedies that can help and one of them is chiropractic. If you suffer from scoliosis you can visit our chiropractic center in Barcelona to find immediate relief and improve the well-being of your back. Here you will find the best professionals to treat your problem through a personalized study.

Chiropractic and scoliosis

Chiropractic is a discipline that performs manual adjustments in addition to other techniques to improve the alignment of the spine. It is important to remember that when there is scoliosis, the spine has an abnormal curvature that can vary in severity and intensity.

Thanks to the adjustments that can be made through chiropractic, it is possible to improve the alignment of the spine and, therefore, combat the effects of scoliosis. One of the most immediate benefits that chiropractic offers to those suffering from scoliosis is pain relief.

Beyond pain relief, making the necessary adjustments to the vertebrae helps improve a person’s flexibility. By improving flexibility, the person achieves not only pain relief, but also expands the range of motion that was previously limited, which serves to restore the autonomy that the person had before the scoliosis.

As mentioned, scoliosis can vary in severity or intensity. Thanks to chiropractic, in some cases, the severity of scoliosis can be prevented from becoming more severe. This is especially noticeable in children or adolescents, as the chiropractic adjustment serves to slow the progression of the curvature.

In addition to this, chiropractors will help the person to improve their posture. This can be done through exercises or advice that teaches the person to continually improve their posture to prevent further back problems.

Chiropractic scoliosis

The manual adjustments that are carried out should always be practiced by a specialized chiropractor. In our center we work with the best chiropractors in Barcelona and the experience and ability of the chiropractor is very important for the results to be as desired.

Having these adjustments performed by a specialized chiropractor ensures that the sessions are pain-free and that the adjustments are performed in the areas where they are most needed.

The chiropractor’s expertise in treating scoliosis is important beyond adjustments. Prior to these it is necessary to carry out a complete study or evaluation to determine the best treatment plan and, of course, recommend specific exercises that serve to strengthen the muscles or relieve the tension of these.

What is scoliosis and what are its symptoms?

Knowing the symptoms of scoliosis will help you determine if you should see a chiropractor for pain relief. Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine that, instead of being in a straight line, curves to one side. Although this condition may primarily affect adolescents, it can manifest itself at any age.

Scoliosis can present different degrees and it is important to keep in mind that, when it is mild, it may not present any type of symptom. As scoliosis progresses, the symptoms become more visible and can be seen with the naked eye.

Some of the symptoms that are noticeable in scoliosis are when the shoulders are unequal, that is, one is higher than the other. Also this inequality can be in the waist affecting balance or with misaligned hips. Asymmetrical shoulder blades can also be a symptom and, as mentioned above, one of the most characteristic symptoms is back pain.

Different types of scoliosis

There are different types of scoliosis. Idiopathic scoliosis is the most common and its cause is unknown. This scoliosis can be classified by age, i.e., it can be infantile, juvenile or adolescent.

Another type of scoliosis is congenital scoliosis. Congenital scoliosis is present at birth and the cause is due to different problems in the formation of the vertebrae.

Finally, neuromuscular scoliosis is the type of scoliosis caused by conditions affecting the muscles and nerves, for example, caused by cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy.

Can chiropractic help with scoliosis?

Chiropractic is an excellent option as a complementary treatment for the management of scoliosis. Chiropractic adjustments can be performed in addition to other treatments, for example, those involving physical therapy.

Why choose our chiropractic center in Barcelona?

In our chiropractic center in Barcelona we work with the best chiropractors. We have been helping for years many patients suffering from scoliosis in our chiropractic center.

In order to offer you the best service we take great care of personalized attention. In this way, we carry out a study tailored to each patient in order to offer the chiropractic adjustments you need that may be different from those of another person.

In us you will find a reliable chiropractic center with which you can improve your posture and also relieve the pain you suffer due to scoliosis.

Frequently asked questions about chiropractic and scoliosis

We answer some of the most frequently asked questions that some of our patients ask us about scoliosis. If among these questions you have not found the answer to what you need, do not hesitate to contact us so we can help you with your scoliosis problems.

Can I be cured of scoliosis through chiropractic?

No, chiropractic does not cure scoliosis. What chiropractic can offer you is relief or a solution to some of the symptoms of scoliosis. In addition to pain relief, chiropractic can improve the function of your spine or improve your posture. Chiropractic will help make your injury much more bearable while treatment is being carried out to definitively resolve your scoliosis.

Is chiropractic safe for people suffering from scoliosis?

When someone feels pain in the back it is normal to be afraid of manual treatments. In the case of chiropractic you can rest assured that, as a general rule, it is very safe for people suffering from scoliosis. If you want to feel more confident you can consult with your doctor before undergoing chiropractic treatment for your spine.

How often should I see a chiropractor if I have scoliosis?

The severity of your scoliosis along with the response to treatment will tell us how often you should undergo chiropractic treatments. In our chiropractic center in Barcelona we carry out individualized treatments to offer you the sessions you need to alleviate all the symptoms that scoliosis is causing you.

Can chiropractic be applied for any type of scoliosis?

No. When scoliosis presents with a particularly severe curvature or there are associated neurological problems, chiropractic is not an appropriate treatment. For this reason it is very important to carry out a good initial study to know the patient’s condition before carrying out any type of chiropractic treatment.

Are there any risks to chiropractic treatments for scoliosis?

As a general rule, no. The risks are very low and, if they occur, do not go beyond a little discomfort that subside over time. The benefits of chiropractic treatments far outweigh the small risks that may occur.

Can chiropractic help me as a replacement for conventional medical treatment for scoliosis?

Never. Chiropractic is a complementary option that in no case replaces medical treatment for scoliosis.

Does chiropractic treatment for scoliosis hurt?

If you are concerned about pain, chiropractic treatment for scoliosis is painless. We work with the best chiropractors in Barcelona to offer you the best results in each treatment so that you only have to worry about the benefits of carrying them out.

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