Osteoarthritis and chiropractic: a solution to improve mobility

Chiropractic has proven to be an effective treatment for osteoarthritis. If you suffer from osteoarthritis in our chiropractic center in Barcelona we have the best professionals to help you.

In addition to this, you should know that chiropractic will not only help you mitigate the pain that osteoarthritis can cause, but it is also a highly recommended practice to strengthen the spine and slow its progression.

This means that we are not only recommending chiropractic adjustments when the disease is at its worst, but also earlier to prevent it from developing prematurely.

Chiropractic care for osteoarthritis

In this article we are going to focus on all the benefits of chiropractic care for osteoarthritis. If you suffer from joint pain, stiffness or feel that you have some limitation of movement in any part of your body, chiropractic can help you improve your joint health.

Similarly, if you have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis , chiropractic care is a highly recommended option to complement your treatment. Having a chiropractor in Barcelona will help you to make your disease much more bearable. With proper chiropractic adjustments you can regain your joint mobility, reduce joint pain and improve your osteoarticular well-being.

What is osteoarthritis and how does it affect your quality of life?

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that affects the joints causing pain as well as stiffness and inflammation affecting the quality of life of the person. One of the main problems of osteoarthritis is that over the years it limits people more and more. This is because the cartilage that protects the ends of the bones wears out at a faster rate causing the bones to collide with each other causing pain.

Osteoarthritis has a very negative impact on people’s lives. In addition to pain and stiffness, which are the most common symptoms, people suffering from osteoarthritis often have swelling, lose mobility and, in some more advanced cases, may have joint deformities. In addition to all this, it also makes it very difficult to get to sleep.

Benefits of seeing a chiropractor if you have osteoarthritis

Chiropractic is a perfect complement to any other treatment you may have to combat osteoarthritis. The main benefit of chiropractic adjustments is pain relief. Thanks to these adjustments can reduce inflammation and pressure on the affected areas, resulting in a significant reduction in pain.

In addition to reducing pain, if you go to an experienced chiropractor you can regain the mobility you once had lost. Chiropractic adjustments help you restore normal joint movement, which serves to increase flexibility by reducing stiffness. Regaining mobility is key to being able to perform daily activities that were once difficult.

As it cannot be otherwise, chiropractic adjustments are not only good to relieve tension, but also to improve posture avoiding possible complications in the future due to the progression of the disease.

Finally, it should be noted that chiropractic is not able to cure osteoarthritis, but it is able to stop or slow its progression. This is achieved thanks to all the adjustments with which the spine is aligned as the wear and tear between the joints is reduced.

Mobility and quality of life: keys to slowing joint wear and tear

By affecting a person’s mobility , osteoarthritis has a very negative effect on quality of life. What used to seem like a normal, everyday thing, such as picking up a piece of paper from the floor or standing on tiptoe to remove something from the shelf, can become impossible due to pain.

Thanks to chiropractic, the necessary adjustments can be applied to reduce pain and recover flexibility, improving mobility. All these adjustments serve to improve balance and improve the well-being of the person.

Chiropractic helps to eliminate vertebral subluxations. This reduces the pressure on the nerves and gets rid of the pain as well as slowing joint wear. By regaining mobility, the quality of life of the person improves considerably since muscle strengthening is also achieved by reducing the pressure.

Frequently asked questions about osteoarthritis and chiropractic

We answer some of the questions most frequently asked by people suffering from osteoarthritis who seek a solution in chiropractic.

Can chiropractic cure osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that cannot be cured by osteoarthritis. Although it cannot cure it, chiropractic can help you by significantly alleviating all the symptoms of the disease. For this reason it is a highly recommended complementary treatment.

Does chiropractic hurt when you have osteoarthritis?

All chiropractic treatments at our center are performed by the best chiropractors in Barcelona. The chiropractic adjustments we do in our center should not be painful at all, so you can rest assured.

Is it a safe treatment for people suffering from osteoarthritis?

Chiropractic is a very safe and highly recommended treatment for people suffering from osteoarthritis. If you suffer from any medical condition that concerns you it is always important to let our chiropractors know. For added security, in our center we always conduct a thorough physical examination to better understand the health status of our patients in order to provide them with the most appropriate treatment for their situation.

How often should I receive chiropractic adjustments?

It is complicated to know how often you should receive chiropractic adjustments because it will depend on several factors. The frequency of visits will depend on the severity of your condition, as well as your response to treatment. As your condition improves and compressed nerves are reduced, for example, visits may be spaced out over time.

Are there any contraindications I should be aware of when receiving chiropractic adjustments with osteoarthritis?

Chiropractic is a very safe treatment for people suffering from osteoarthritis. As a general rule, there is no contraindication to be taken into account. However, it is important to be clear that there are some conditions that may contraindicate chiropractic treatment, for example, having suffered a recent fracture or having an infection.

In any case, by carrying out a personalized and complete study of the situation, all chiropractic adjustments that are carried out will be the safest for the person.

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