YOUR INMU-MOMENTUM: Action plan to strengthen your immune system

By stimulating the immune system with chiropractic you will maintain your health and prevent diseases related to lifestyle.

Like any other virus, COVID-19 is more likely to affect those with compromised immune system function.

There are several things you can naturally do to strengthen your immune system:


A large part of vitamin D is synthesized through the sun’s rays. Vitamin D is key to your immune system and right now more essential than ever.

In summer, when the sun is more powerful and we run the risk of sunburn, we must be aware of how we expose ourselves to it. But in seasons like winter or spring, we recommend that you sunbathe for 10-15 minutes every day without sunscreen. In this way you will avoid missing out on the benefits that the sun brings you.


Move about 2-5 minutes for every 25-30 minutes you spend seated. After 20 minutes sitting your low back begins to suffer, since the passive support of ligaments and capsules decreases. In addition, after 30 minutes you start to accumulate visceral fat and enter a more pro-inflammatory state.


Eat food high in vitamins: A, B6, C, D and E. Mainly vitamin C is the one that plays the main role in the immune system. Vitamin C is found in: oranges, grapes, spinach, strawberries … Yummy, how delicious!

The “good” bacteria in the intestinal flora make up 85% of the body’s immune system. Nourish yourself with good amounts of green vegetables and high-fiber foods.


Melatonin is the sleep hormone, but you should know that it activates the immune system playing a role in the repair of all kinds of injuries and infections.

Tips to secrete better levels of melatonin:

  • Minimize exposure to artificial light 2-3 hours before going to bed. If you can at night use the light of the fireplace, candles or a red light.
  • Do not eat food that contains sugars (carbohydrates). Sugars reduce sleep performance.
  • Do not engage in vigorous physical activity 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  • Try to sleep an average of 8h per day. According to studies by Matthew Walker, the time slot from 11pm to 7am is the best for sleeping.


Chronic stress depresses the body’s immune response. That is why we recommend that you take control of your thoughts and emotions.

Yoga and mindfulness are good practices to relax the body and mind. Take five minutes each day to practice your Gratitude state. Think about each of these things that you are thankful for. If you practice it daily, you will automatically see that you will be good at appreciating the opportunities and the beautiful details that life offers you. You will be the type of person who sees the glass half full instead of half empty because you will keep in mind all these positive things that happen to you every day and you will constantly have a heart full of love.


Your ability to do all the things mentioned above (reduce stress, rest, exercise, synthesize good food …) can be compromised by the presence of problems related to your spine. There are specific functional and / or structural spinal problems that can interfere with the functioning of the nervous system; compromising your body’s ability to live in a state of optimal immune function.

At Momentum Quiropràctic we take care of your spine in a safe, natural and effective way through chiropractic adjustments.

Chiropractic, your best ally

By applying these natural and simple methods to carry out in your daily routine, you will be supporting the functioning of the immune system, reducing the accumulation of toxins in the body and providing essential nutrients for your health.

By stimulating the immune system you will not only reduce the chances of getting sick but it will also help you maintain your long-term health goals and prevent serious lifestyle-related diseases in advanced stages of life. Your life.

Do it for yourself and for the ones who love you!

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Team Momentum

Hello! We are Montse and Thomas, doctors of chiropractic and founders of Momentum Chiropractic. We want to inspire you from our experience in chiropractic how to achieve a healthy, natural and efficient style. Will you join our community?

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Mondays: 15:30-20:30
Tuesdays: 8:30-13:00, 15:30-20:30
Wednesdays: 15:30-20:30
Thursdays: 8:30-13:00, 15:30-20:30
Fridays: 10:00-14:00
Saturday and Sunday: Closed