Inner Soul: discover what chiropractic is and its benefits for your physical and emotional wellbeing.

Do you know the benefits chiropractic can have on your physical and emotional well-being? Discover with Momentum Quiropràctic what chiropractic is and how its philosophy can help you benefit from natural care that will help you achieve the level of quality of life you deserve.

If you’re reading this post, it’s probably because you’ve googled: ‘what is chiropractic’ or maybe you’ve been curious to know more about “that kind of massages” that your friend or relative has started to go to on a regular basis.

No matter how you’ve arrived at this post, we have good news for you!… You are just a couple of lines away from discovering chiropractic; a natural care that will allow you to take control of your health and enjoy a full life. Shall we get to it?

what is chiropractic and its benefits for wellness

What is chiropractic and its wellness philosophy

We will start by answering your biggest question: what is chiropractic. To do this, we will try to explain to you in the least technical, but most professional and understandable way possible what this health care profession consists of.

As stated by the WHO (2005), chiropractic “deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system and the effects of these disorders on general health”.

Although you can get a grasp of the concept… How about if we explain it to you as we explain it to our patients?

Chiropractic is the speciality that is responsible for aligning your spine so that the brain can send without interference every message it emits to the different parts of the body through the spinal cord and the nerves that extend through our body.

In this way, by aligning the spine, which consists of 24 vertebrae that allow us to move and at the same time protect the spinal cord, we will be able to enjoy full health potential thanks to the fact that the neurological information will be transmitted through the nervous system in an optimal way.

It is for this reason that the Momentum team often reminds us that chiropractors are considered brain specialists, rather than back specialists. But we will tell you more about this in more depth in another post 😉

Chiropractic philosophy: prevention and proactivity in wellness

En Momentum Quiropràctic, cuando explicamos qué es la quiropráctica, también nos gusta introducir su filosofía. Para ello, solemos hacer referencia a una de las citas más conocidas en el mundo quiropráctico:

“Conservar la salud es más fácil que curar la enfermedad”B.J. PALMER, desarrollador de la Quiropráctica

Es clave entender el enfoque preventivo que tiene la quiropráctica como eje central de su filosofía. De esta manera, la quiropráctica no se centra en la enfermedad o en su cura, sino en prevenir cualquier dolencia o futura enfermedad que nuestro cuerpo podría desarrollar si no se optimiza su funcionamiento y su capacidad de auto-regulación. Esto se consigue a través de los ajustes vertebrales que hacemos los quiroprácticos, donde devolvemos al Sistema Nervioso su capacidad de funcionar correctamente.

Además del enfoque preventivo, la quiropráctica debe entenderse como un cuidado proactivo, el cual no solo debe practicarse cuando sufrimos una dolencia o problema de salud, sino para capacitar a nuestro cuerpo a adaptarse al entorno diario de manera eficiente y saludable.

Aplicando esta filosofía, disfrutaremos de manera holística de los beneficios que tiene la quiropráctica para nuestra salud y calidad de vida. Si ya estás preguntándote cuáles son estos beneficios… ¡sigue leyendo! 🙂

The benefits of chiropractic for physical wellbeing

As mentioned in the previous point, chiropractic adjustments restore the ability of the nervous system to function correctly. Thanks to this, our body benefits by optimising our physical well-being. Therefore, chiropractors take care of finding the cause of your possible health problems and remedy it naturally.

And yes, although it is common to go to the chiropractor for the first time due to possible ailments such as back pain, herniated discs, joint pain or migraines, it is ideal that you go to the chiropractor before you feel pain. If you are wondering why… Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, already said it:

“Look well to the spine for the cause of disease”

You should know that only 10% of the nerves in the nervous system have pain receptors, so it can happen that sometimes you have no symptoms and your body does not warn you that something is not working properly.  This is why it is important to consider chiropractic as preventative care and benefit from chiropractic adjustments before you have pain.

Chiropractic adjustments allow you to not only live pain-free, but also to enjoy a higher quality of life with more vitality. And did you know that chiropractic has benefits beyond physical well-being? We are about to explain you more about it!

chiropractic philosophy and inner growth

The benefits of chiropractic for emotional wellbeing

As we have been mentioning throughout this post, chiropractic also has a positive impact on emotional wellbeing.

Because chiropractic helps our body to better adapt to our environment, with chiropractic adjustments we are able to manage the different types of everyday stress (physical, emotional, chemical).

And what is the relationship between emotional stress and chiropractic? Such stress, we can experience due to our relationships with friends, co-workers, family or economic concerns, work that result in negative emotions such as sadness, guilt or envy, among others. These emotions are generated in the brain and are expressed by the autonomic nervous system (Belmonte, 2007) … And as you might have noticed… once again we find the spinal column responsible for transmitting the information generated in the brain to the different parts where the somatisation of emotions is sent to the different parts of our body. For example, the somatisation of emotional stress due to stress or pressure at work in dorsal or cervical muscle contractions.

Therefore, if we facilitate the adaptation of our body with chiropractic adjustments, we will have more capacity to manage emotional stress and we will be able to enjoy a greater emotional well-being.

The soul of chiropractic helps your wellbeing… and the inner growth of your soul!

In conclusion, chiropractic must be understood and practised respecting its philosophy of preventive, proactive and holistic care for your physical and emotional well-being. For this reason, at Momentum Quiropràctic we understand and practice chiropractic with a soul, which acts for your good so that you can enjoy a full expression of life and always accompanies you in the process of inner growth.

Our approach at Momentum Quiropràctic is that you understand how your body and chiropractic care work so that you can enjoy your life with optimal wellbeing.

Follow us on our social networks (InstagramFacebookLinkedIn) to continue learning more about chiropractic care and your wellbeing.

If you want to know more about us, we invite you to visit our website, where you will learn about the Momentum team, our values and how we can help you.

And if you book an appointment… we are waiting for you with open arms at our centre in Barcelona.

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